
The 9 Keto Mistakes You Are Making

First of all, it’s worth mentioning that the Keto Diet is not for everyone, and definitely not forever. The Keto Diet (KD) was first introduced years ago to mimic the metabolism of fasting, as a treatment for epilepsy. Today it is being suggested by practitioners in the successful treatment of […]

Gut health and acne: What you need to know

Would you be surprised if I told you that there could be a strong link between your acne and your gut health? Poor gut health, and especially a build-up of toxins in the gut due to poor detoxification, often manifests with non-gut symptoms, such as poor skin, breakouts and acne. […]

Use fats to get thin and healthy

I understand that it can be difficult to dump all the principles we learned growing up about how fat can make us fat and unhealthy. This concept has actually led to a period of several decades where we are bombarded with low-fat and no-fat options and health claims about them. […]

How can I cut out sugar easily? A step-by-step roadmap to success

Sugar is definitely one of the most addictive chemicals, yet it is possible to ditch those cravings and find joy in healthy sugar alternatives and healthy treats. Below I discuss the ways to successfully eliminate sugar from your diet.  Take a deep dive with me! Sugar addiction Usually, it’s not […]

Do I have gut dysbiosis?

Dysbiosis, aka an imbalance between friendly and pathogenic bacteria in the gut, is one of the major causes of gastrointestinal and almost all chronic conditions, including autoimmune and allergic conditions. A healthy microbiome is one that has a ratio of 15-85% (“symbiosis”) of pathogens (parasites, pathogenic bacteria, yeast, viruses) to […]

4 superfood recipes for “super-kids”

When cooking for your kids, things can get challenging. I work a lot with fussy eaters and I’ve learnt a lot from them! Many of the recipes you find in recipe blogs for children are not necessarily healthy, and many of the adult recipes may not be suitable for a […]

What should I know before getting pregnant?

One of the most common causes of infertility is toxin excess and poor detoxification. Toxins are everywhere; in the air that we breathe,  pollution, heavy metals, pesticides in food, toxins from plastics, cookware, cleaners, cosmetics, skin care products, and high street supplements. How toxins can affect your baby Most health […]

Using Nutritional Therapy to Address Constipation

Did you know that you are constipated if you go only once per day, if you don’t feel empty after a bowel movement and if you strain in order to go? What is constipation? In scientific terms, constipation is a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract, which can result in difficult […]

5 recipes to heal your gut

While food supplements can play an important role in gut healing, nothing can beat these five recipes! While my approach is “you can’t out-supplement a bad diet”, there are also people, including kids, who can’t take quality supplements for many reasons. Try these recipes below and your gut will thank […]

A comprehensive guide to finally healing your gut

Did you know that 80% of our immune system is found in the gut? No wonder why you are getting colds and flu so often. Moreover, 90% of our neurotransmitters (like the happy hormone serotonin) are made in the gut. Feeling moody when your gut doesn’t feel right? Now you […]

Is your gut leaky? 10 signs you might have it

Have you ever wondered what a leaky gut is? And if you might have it? We look at what leads to a leaky gut and how you can heal from it. What is a leaky gut? There is one layer of epithelial cells that sit at the edge of our […]

Having a hard time digesting animal protein? Let’s reverse it

Most people think that indigestion, reflux and stomach pain after meals are due to over-acidity of the stomach. In a vast majority of cases, this is not true. What most people suffer from today is what is called “hypochlorhydria” which is insufficient hydrochloric acid secreted from the stomach in response […]

Is there an ideal diet?

Does the perfect diet exist? Is there a one-size-fits-all diet? Is there a perfect diet for us (humans) and the planet (animals and environment) alike?   While an ideal diet is a personalised diet, there are some dietary guidelines that the closer we follow, the better we feel, look, and […]

Why most of us are nutrient deficient – and what to do about it

The vast majority of us are suffering from nutrient deficiency! Whether we like it or not, nutrient deficiency has a vast impact on our quality of life, increases our risk of chronic disease, and shortens our life span. This is not something you will likely hear from your doctor, or […]

Yes, you can fight PMS with changes to your diet and lifestyle

Did you know that as many as 80% of women experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS)? Some tend to be moodier, while others tend to have more physical issues like bloating, tender breasts and skin breakouts. In some, PMS is followed by heavy menstruation. In case of heavy bleeding, iron supplementation can […]

Stop blaming calories, start blaming hormones!

I often listen from patients, during initial consultation, that their food cravings rule them, making them unable to follow a healthy diet. I have to tell you that while most people believe that adhering to a diet is a matter of controlling yourself, it’s not exactly like that. Following a […]

In order to lose weight, you first have to be healthy!

When it comes to losing weight, quick solutions, short detox programs and FAD diets look appealing for most. You might already have realised, though, that change has to be steady and sustainable in order for optimal weight to be achieved and kept for life. Weight fluctuations can have detrimental effects […]

Sugar substitutes: Good or bad?

Low-calorie sweeteners and sugar alternatives are really popular among those who have a sweet tooth, want to lose weight or simply want to avoid sugar. But are they really less harmful than sugar? Artificial sweeteners Artificial sweeteners’ (such as saccharin, aspartame, Sucralose, acesulfame – Splenda, NutraSweet, SweetN’Low), health-harming effects have […]

The real reason you are tired all the time

        One of the biggest complaints that my patients mention is fatigue. No matter how common it is, unexplained mental or physical fatigue is not normal or healthy. It’s a sign that something is not right. There are many factors that are hidden behind fatigue, and the […]

The truth behind fats and why low-fat diets are making us fat

What is the truth behind fats? Are they harmful or beneficial for our health? What about quantities? Our body needs a lot more fat than most people think. Fats assist the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals and eventually the production of energy.  A good example is “light”/low-fat dairy products. […]

Chronic fatigue – is it you or your mitochondria?

      One of the most common complaints I get in my clinic is chronic fatigue and low energy levels. While this is common, it is not normal.  Many people wake up unrefreshed, tired and are unable to finish their daily tasks because of unexplained tiredness. This can have a great […]

Overcoming irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a huge problem that affects about 10-23% of people worldwide. In other words, around one in five people suffer unnecessarily from something that can often be easily addressed by focusing on the root causes using the principles of naturopathy and functional medicine.   What is […]

The 7 rules of healthy eating

1. Fill your plate with vegetables  More than ½ of your plate (even better ¾) should be filled with plant-based foods, at every meal and ideally snacks (not just dinner).  The more colours you consume daily the better. When it comes to colour, the brightest the better. Eating a rainbow […]

How To Boost Your Immunity And Protect Yourself From COVID-19?

While millions of people have been self-isolating in an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and the curve has flattened in many countries, it is still very important that we aim for optimal health in order to protect ourselves against the coronavirus disease. Am I at risk? Scientific data […]

10 Simple Dietary And Lifestyle Steps To Decrease Your Risk Of Cancer

Research has shown that it is the environment of the body and resulting vitality, or lack of it, that can affect the multiplication of cells (cancer). Our state of health either promotes or fights against cancer growth. So it is important to remember to look not only at the disease […]

What herb regulates blood pressure and cholesterol?

Everyone knows the common garden vegetable known as celery. While not as common, the #seeds of celery pack quite a punch when it comes to health benefits. Celery seeds have a strong but pleasant odor and are commonly used in soups, pickling, and dressings. While the seeds themselves are edible, […]

Genetic testing shows promising results for IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is now being researched to the level of epigenetics and environmental factors. Such individual biomarkers can help in the creation of personalised nutritional treatment protocols. Genetic analyses are becoming increasingly available to the public, making personalised plans more possible than ever. Digging deep at the molecular […]

A guide to understanding fats: myths and reality

Clearing up myths about fat   “Eating too much fat is bad for us.” This is logical. Fatty food intake causes a build-up of fat in our arteries, which clog up and gives us heart attacks; and the same fat also builds up in our body and makes us fat. […]

The Surprising Root of Rheumatoid Arthritis

If an unhealthy gut is the most important factor in understanding the trigger for many diseases, the state of our gums runs it a close second. In a new study, gum disease has been linked to rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the chronic inflammatory disease that affects joints. Bacteria from bad gums […]

About us 2

How Naturopathic Medicine Can Help You Heal

    Some thousands of years ago, Hippocrates stated that Food is Medicine, something that we seem to have forgotten in the last few decades. The phrase “We are what we eat” (or even better “We are what we absorb”) cannot be more contemporary. Naturopathic Medicine is helping patients get […]

Spirulina health benefits: 10 Reasons to use this superfood

This primitive multicellular alga is one of the oldest plants in the world, with a history stretching back some three thousand million years. It was so well adapted to life in the alkaline water that it has remained virtually without evolutionary change since long before insects, fish or mammals appeared on […]

Ten royal benefits of royal jelly

History Historically, one of the most valued groups of natural medicines is that of bee pollen, propolis, and royal jelly. Royal jelly is a unique, thick, milky substance that the worker bees manufacture and feed to the Queen bee. It is the sole source of nutrition of the Queen bee and aids their […]

Causes of IBS Your Doctor May Not Be Looking For

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), is one of the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) affecting 10-20% of the adult population worldwide, yet most challenging when it comes to treatment. The condition is most commonly found amongst Western populations, particularly affecting females and younger age groups. Its symptoms are chronic, recurrent […]

Surviving In A Toxic World

About 1.2 billion pounds of toxic chemicals were released into water and air in the USA in the last year. Less than 10% have had safety evaluations.   The most common sources of toxic chemicals are:   Insecticides Weed killers Solvents Cleaning agents Plastics Carpets, drapes, clothes Germicides Packaging materials […]

Reasons To Love The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet (MD) refers to the diet of south European countries, most commonly Italian, Greek, and Spanish. Unfortunately, nowadays the Mediterraneans do not always follow the healthy version of it, however, its original version (as in the 1940’s) has been shown to be one of the healthiest and most […]

How to Manage Raynaud’s Syndrome Naturally

As it is ‘Raynaud’s Awareness Month’, it is an opportunity to create greater understanding and awareness of the condition and its impact, as well as techniques for better management of the condition. Raynaud’s syndrome occurs when there is an interruption of blood flow to mainly finger and toes (also ears and nose), […]

10 Tips to Stay Healthy This Winter

While the flu season is underway it’s important to take action while it’s still early, to avoid unnecessary colds & flus. Falling sick, very commonly means taking antibiotics, what is often unnecessary as most cold & flus are caused by viruses and not bacteria. When used recklessly they can lead […]

It’s Not Food Causing Your Heartburn – 5 Ways to Address Acid Reflux Naturally

It is very common to think that heartburn is caused by excessive acids going out from your stomach and into your oesophagus, causing this burning feeling, often accompanied by pain and irritation. You may be very surprised to learn that in the majority of cases reflux is caused by low […]

Are Low Fat Diets Making You Fat?

The Diet Industry Myth The Sugar Conspiracy In the last three decades, dietary guidelines have instructed us to eat “low-fat” diets. Media and the diet industry have been continuously associating “low-fat” products to lower body fat. We have been told that in order to improve our health and especially heart […]

Constantly Stressed & Exhausted? Take the Quiz to find out if you are suffering from Adrenal Fatigue

Fatigue has become the epidemic of the 21st century. In my clinic I encounter tiredness and exhaustion almost on a daily basis.  Some patients don’t wake up feeling refreshed and need cups of coffee to get going. Others get afternoon dips and crave sugar to keep going. Others can’t understand […]

How to Live Longer

Our life lengths are dictated by telomeres, which are tiny sequences at the end of each of our chromosomes, ie our DNA molecules. Each time our cells divide, each telomere slightly decreases in length. When the telomere gets used up, DNA can no longer replicate and the cell dies. That […]

10 easy dietary steps to help your IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), is one of the most common, functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) affecting 10-20% of the adult population worldwide, yet most challenging when it comes to treatment. The condition is most commonly found amongst Western populations, particularly affecting females and younger age groups. While orthodox medicine claims no […]

Which Is The Highest Antioxidant-Containing Vegetable?

Over 650 scientific publications suggest Broccoli Sprouts to have the highest antioxidant effect in human cells based on a number of protective compounds. They contain 10 to 100 times more enzymes than fruits and vegetables when eaten within the first seven days of being sprouted. Broccoli sprouts come from sprouting broccoli […]

Top 10 Anti-Ageing Foods

There are many variables involved in how long you live, but by following a healthy lifestyle, staying active and eating a nutrient-packed diet, you can help slow the ageing process and perhaps even stave off age-related diseases, including osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease. Start right now by avoiding foods that […]

10 Steps to Better Sleep: Combat Insomnia Naturally

Insomnia refers to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, or waking up early in the morning feeling unrefreshed. During sleep, our body regenerates and repairs all of our body cells. Poor sleep patterns are linked to poor health; quality of sleep matters as much as quality for optimal health, vitality […]

Do you need to detox after Christmas?

Do you need to improve your health habits after the many festive indulgences? Here’s a tip! Detoxification is a biochemical process that occurs within every cell in our body and in multiple organs on a continual basis, not just during the quick-fix diets or by removing specific food groups. It […]

Causes Of IBS You May Not Be Looking For

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), is one of the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) affecting 10-20% of the adult population worldwide, yet most challenging when it comes to treatment. The condition is most commonly found amongst Western populations, particularly affecting females and younger age groups. Its symptoms are chronic, recurrent […]
